Change your body, change your life.

Together...we're better. Bring It!

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Joey Park Ave Pita Pizza

I want to share this with all of you. So this last weekend I went to this restaurant in Rochester called the Gate House. They serve wood fired pizza, wood fired wings, and burgers. The place rocks. Anyways, I tried the Park Ave: Olive oil, hummus, rosemary, goat cheese and grilled vegetables. IT ROCKED!!! Their wings alone are amazing but this pizza blew my mind. The combination of the hummus, goat cheese, and grilled veggies was amazing. So amazing when I was grocery shopping tonight it made me start to think if I could recreate it, Joey-Style.

I bought Weight Watcher's 100% Whole Wheat Pita, Tribe Red Pepper Hummus, Goat cheese and I alreay had tomato's and zuchini that I bought at the market. I didn't use olive oil simply b/c I forgot but it didn't need it. I took one bit of it and I knew I had to take a picture and show it to all of you guys. It rocked!! It was so good and I just found my new favorite food to make. Rock and roll!! I'll definitle add more veggies next time.

If I measured everything right, 1 Joey Park Ave Pita is about 197 calories.

1 Joey Park Ave Pita

2 Tbsp of Tribe Red Pepper hummus - 40 Calories

.25 cup goat cheese - 40 Calories

2 oz tomato - 10 Calories

1.5 oz Zucchini - 7 Calories

1 Weight Watchers 100% Whole Wheat Pita - 100 Calories

Total: 197 Calories

P.S. I live off of Park Ave so the name really works. ;) :D

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I'm not nearly as talented (or qualified) as the Beachbody Trainers and I found this awesome article on Chalene Johnson's (creator or Turbo Jam & ChaLEAN Extreme) blog that I wanted to share with all of you. I hope this helps and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Happy Holidays

Aaahhhh, the holidays…the scents of fresh pine and baked goods fill your home, everywhere are twinkly lights and culinary delights…but every to die for dessert and festive cocktail represents temptation, overindulgence, and missed workouts. The season can be downright frightening for those struggling to lose or maintain weight. While gathering with family and friends is one of the best gifts shared during the holidays, most American families, including my own, gather with a healthy dose of high fat, butter infused, sugar coated, carbo-loaded family favorites. It just wouldn’t be Christmas without Grandma’s homemade apple squares. The crust alone calls for 4 sticks of butter! (I am so not kidding)

It’s hard to say how many pounds the average American gains between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Some studies suggest the average weight gain to be as high as 10 pounds while others argue the statistic is closer to a pound. Regardless of the number, most of us would like to enjoy the traditions of the season without the traditional weight gain.

Here are 9 tips to help you enjoy the traditions and treats that make your holiday season special without blowing the progress you’ve made all year.

1. Start your day by pushing play: No matter how many guests you have coming for dinner or how much you have left to do, make time to start your day with exercise. By “pushing play” and doing an exercise video like Turbo Kick, Hip Hop Hustle or PiYo you’ll have more energy, decrease your appetite, reduce stress and boost your spirits.

2. Don’t deny yourself: Studies show that those who deny themselves their “favorites” often consume more calories in other food selections and are more likely to “binge” later. Decide in advance what you’ll have and how much you’ll put on your plate, then stop. Make your calories count. Avoid mindless munching and take time to truly enjoy a small dose of any decadent treat your heart desires.

3. Keep a running total: Estimate your calories as you consume them. Research shows that those who are aware of their calorie consumption eat less and fill up faster. Don’t forget to include those “sneaky” calories consumed when testing and tasting recipes or the handful of nuts you ate while catching up with cousins.

4. Drink water before and after your meal: This rule applies regardless of the day of the year. Water consumption decreases cravings and helps to regulate hunger. Be sure to consume water after your workouts as well.

5. Use a smaller plate: If salad plates are available, use one for your main entree. A smaller surface area will help you become aware of moderate portions of all your favorites.

6. Plan a physical family activity. Start a family tradition of splitting into teams for a “friendly” game of flag football or doing a 5k together. Meet for a morning walk on the beach or take a post-feast stroll through the neighborhood to enjoy the Christmas lights. (Although in my neighborhood, there’s no sense in walking far because ours will be the best for miles! Honestly, I’m not a competitive person…except when it comes to my Christmas lights. Those Griswold’s ain’t got nuthin’ on the Johnson’s! J) Anyway, even if it’s 20 below, you can have a dance party inside with the kids. Be silly, play and laugh with your family. Doing physical activity together strengthens family bonds and builds traditions that can last generations.

7. Give it away: If you’re hosting the festivities, add disposable containers to your shopping list so you can send guests home with ALL of your leftovers. Eliminate a week filled with left over pie, stuffing, gravy and goodies by sending family members home with special care packages. Ok, if you must, save yourself that one piece of cold pumpkin pie for breakfast or fixins for ONE of dad’s traditional turkey, mashed potato, and cranberry sauce sandwiches and send the rest packin’.

8. Throw it away: If you find yourself on the receiving end of a half eaten pecan pie, or a neighborly plate of cookies, graciously accept but once home…toss it! Yes, I said, “TOSS IT!” Which would give you greater long-term happiness, more pie or to fit into your skinny jeans?

9. Get back on track: Remember that the occasional splurge is what diet experts call “moderation”. Go ahead…treat yourself! You deserve it! Remember, a splurge should last a meal or a day at the most. By eating poorly for several days, you set yourself up for a season of weight gain. Plan for and enjoy your favorites then get back on track to your journey of healthy living. Happy holidays! Enjoy the season and all of the goodness it brings.

posted by Chalene Johnson @ 2:13 PM 12/9/2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanks to my buddy Jason Diebold (Puckhead) for making this video available. It is the first 10 minutes of the new P90X informercial called P90X: The Proof. I make the cameo appearances in the first two minutes. Check it out.

If you're interested in P90X or any other BB program please contact me. Do not order it from the P90X infomerical or website. I'm an independent coach for the company and if you order through me you will save on shipping but you can also learn how to save 10% to 25% on you order. You can't get these savings through an infomerical. Give me a call, shoot me a message or drop me an email.Talk to you all soon,


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Start Helping

Let's face it, you can't turn on the TV without hearing about the rising obesisty rates and the increase in Type 2 Diabetes. With these rising numbers there are rising medical costs. Drugs are not cheap and until now they really seem to be the only answer to this problem. Beachbody and the Amercian Diabetes Association has partnered and together created Kathy Smith's Project You: Type 2. Designed for individuals who have been diagnosed has prediabetic and Type 2 Diabetic, Project You: Type 2 has been reviewed and approved by the ADA. Project You: Type 2 program focuses on what drugs cannot do, a healthy lifestyle solution. This program offers a simple way to help control and manage your diabetes.

Let's face it, doctors just don't have the time to spend with patients to educate them on proper nutrition and exercise. This program helps people to understand the importance of eating foods that are low on the glycemic index and what that means. More importantly it'll give them the exercise so many are lacking. The iceing on the cake is that this program will save you money. Below you will see recent costs of medication for people with Type 2 Diabetes posted in Carl Daikeler's most recent blog. If you have Type 2 or you know someone who does, lets help them. Lets help them find a healthy lifestyle solution to controlling their Diabetes.



Carl Daikeler's post (

This article about the costs of diabetes was forwarded to me by Edward in Ops.Here's the section that made me sit up in my chair:

Nearly 24 million Americans, 8 percent of the population, have Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to kidney failure, blindness and heart disease.Current guidelines say doctors should prescribe metformin (about $30 a month) to lower blood sugar in newly diagnosed patients and urge them to eat healthy food and get more exercise. Other drugs can be added later, on top of metformin,to help patients who don't meet blood sugar goals. The updated guidelines don't include Avandia, which costs about $225 a month.

Dr. Susan Spratt, an endocrinologist at Duke University Medical Center, said sheprescribes whatever it takes to lower her patients' future risk of blindness andamputations. That can mean coupling more costly drugs with metformin to hitblood sugar goals.

Ok... $225 for patients "who don't meet blood sugar goals"... to lower risks of blindness and amputation. Seems worth $2,700 a year. So does some change to diet and exercise.
For $99.95 - one time - Kathy Smith's Project You for Type 2 will help someone "meet their blood sugar goals" with exercise and diet. The American Diabetes Association saw the need for this type of product, and co-produced the program with Beachbody.

If you are a coach, this should make it difficult to sleep. Be relentless about getting the word out about this. RELENTLESS. People you know have diabetes. Or there are people you know who know people who have diabetes. Their are education groups. There are doctors. THEY ALL NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU HAVE THE SOLUTION, CREATED IN COLLABORATION WITH THE ADA!This is the ONLY product of its kind on the market. We could give every diabetic in the country this program for $2.5 Billion - one time - versus the $12.5 Billion spent on drugs in 2007 alone! People can save $10 Billion -- $2,700 a year for each person who uses lifestyle change with this program to avoid stepping up to Avandia.
It's amazing to me that we are in this position, but lifestyle style change really is that hard. That's what is so powerful about the effect of peer support; friends helping friends. That's how change happens. That's why you are the solution! Let's help some people!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Need a job?

While things get harder for so many people, still Beachbody coaches are thriving.

Today's headlines are telling: Chrysler Cuts 25% of White Collar Jobs, Goldman Sachs cutting 10% of workforce, Yahoo firing 1,500 workers.

How deep will job cuts get? We hit 6% unemployment in September. In the downturn of 1973 we got up to 9%. Total employment in the U.S. is about 144 million people. That means if unemployment rise another 3%, another 4.3 million people could be out of work. Brutal.

With the financial meltdown and layoffs/unemployment, people are saving money, and they need to find ways to make money.

Beachbody and its coaches are in the perfect position to help people who are currently spending an average $741 per year on dues (before parking, gas, clothes, trainer, etc.) That $18B gym club business is antiquated. Everyday someone signs up to be a Beachbody coach, it's as if they created their own health club in their family room for less than $200. That's the future, and the future is here.

Between our infomercial sales, $90MM in advertising, and 13,000+ distributors, how many people can we get to replace their gym dues with a solution to get results like the NFL cheerleader of the 49ers or college and pro athletes across the country got with P90X? And how many more people who never set foot in a gym will get started with programs that make it easy, like Slim in 6, Yoga Booty Ballet, or or Ten Minute Trainer?

Get the word out. Every time Beachbody airs a commercial we generate thousands of customers. But hundreds of thousands more see the ads and become prospective customers. That's opportunity for income for you and everyone you know. You get the word out to people you know and people buy from you. It's a home based business where we do the advertising, you just make sure people know you're a distributor. Every 40 sales of P90X makes you over $1,000 in commissions, not including bonuses, and saves your customers hundreds of dollars a year in gym dues.

Sign up today, and use the tools in the coach-back-office to email everyone you know that if they want to lose weight, you can get them solutions like P90X for 10% less money if they join the club, and even less if they become a coach (25% off).

Beachbody saves people money, makes people money, and gets you better results for less money and in less time than the gym. No boss. No employees. Set your own hours. What are you waiting for?

(This blog was written by Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody, and links were edited by Joey Petri)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Video's from Brian and Laura's Wedding

Brian & Ma Smith cutting a rug.

Smitty and the Lovely Laura busting out the moves to MJ's "Billie Jean".

Smitty and Sarah Oliver doing what they do best, dance. Look at how Smitty reals in Sarah. It's flawless!

Gotta give it up for Johnboy. Even though he is THE WHITEST DANCER EVER, he gives it his best and is having fun. The icing on this gem is the song. This is priceless.

Dancing Johnboy Continued.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Measure of Success

Originally posted by tmpk on the 300 Challenge thread on the P90X Message Boards:


I'm about a week away from finishing my first round of P90X. Day 90 should have been in mid-September, but I pushed it back due to missing so many days in late August. On one hand, I should be (and am) really proud that I made it through such a hardcore fitness program. Looking back at Day 1 (or even 30 or 45) or Power 90, there's no way I would have thought I could have conquered P90X. But I have. I know that I've gained strength and endurance. The proof is in the number of reps I can do and the amount of weights I can lift.

On the other hand, compared to Day 1 of P90X, I have not achieved the "infomercial-worthy" results I would have liked to see. This is really no one's fault but my own. And I hesitate to even use the word "fault". Did I follow the workouts as prescribed? Yes. Well... Usually. There were certainly missed days here and there, and I substituted Cardio X or a Power 90 routine in more than once. Was the intensity a 7+ each time? No. And that's something I'm definitely going to focus on for Round 2. Also for Round 2, I must clean up my diet. Yes, it's better than it used to be, but if I want results like I'm talking about, I know I've got to follow the P90X diet guide to a T. This will be a challenge, as I'm a super-picky eater. But I guess some new foods never hurt anybody. Also... There's no more room for slacking off on Ab Ripper. Maybe I should plan on doing it at a different time of day versus right after the workout, as by that time I'm generally pretty whipped.

On the other hand... (3 hands?) Compared to my Day 1 pictures from Pre-Power 90, I HAVE come a very long way, which is something to be proud of to be sure. Along with a physical change, this has all become a routine part of my life now. I've created some much healthier habits and routines than I had 7 months ago. It's most definitely a long-term thing, not just a 90 Day sprint here and there.

So... What's my point? Am I proud of myself? Yes. Could I have done better? Yes. Should I beat myself up about it? No. But I'll learn from it. For Round 2 of the X:

-Continue the supplements I'm taking
-Bring It with high intensity to every workout (if not, what's the point?)
-Ab Ripper X every time it's scheduled, whether I get through it all or not.
-Become intimately familiar with the P90X diet guide
-Continue to be an active part of the message boards, and spreading the idea of fitness and living healthy lifestyleIf I can When I pull that off, I'll be ready to star in the next edition of the infomercial.



Great reflections and you bring up a great point. How do we measure success? (I think this is important to all so please read) You may not have achieved the "P90X Physique" but does that mean you weren't successful? As you continued to write, you wrote that the number of reps increase as well as the increase in weights. So by those standards I would say you were extremly successful. Plus you finished the entire P90X during a move, and a new job. You had a lot of adversity come your way but you over came it. You didn't let life get you down. You were realistic with what you had in front of you and you made the best of it. That's what any one can ever do. We as a society focus too much of success at wins and loses. Pounds lost vs pounds gained. If you ask any c o a c h at any level, Middle, School, JV, Varsity, College and Pro defining success is very important and even more important that it's not defined in black and white. If someone does P90X for 90 days and does not achieve a 6 pack did they fail? Absolutley not What's great is that you took the time to reflect and look back and the previous 90 days and ask yourself tough questions such as How was your diet, intensity, level of weights, consistency etc and you were honest. More importantly by being honest you have looked at what you accomplished and you are looking forward and know how to make those improvements. When it comes to the nutrition side of things, it doesn't mean you have to go all tofu and wheat grass. It means that you just need to look at the ratio better and maybe keep track of Proteins/Carbs/Fats during each phase. That's what I did and once I adjusted those numbers, results city my man. Congratulations on completing P90X. Take a break. Let your body recover but continue to stay active and pick a new start date/finish line. Talk to you soon,


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why I continue to work out after I finish my 90th day.

Here's my secret to life after 90 days. I became an independent Team Beachbody Coach. I was sick and tired of Yo-Yo ing and becoming a Coach provides me with enough motivation and accountability that it keeps me going and helps me to keep pushing play. I no longer work out for myself. I workout so I can help others and show others that it can be done and maintained. By doing so I can earn a buck or two from Beachbody. That's the secret to my life after 90 days. I've been at this now for about 4 years and it was never a linear trip. Lots of ups and downs...30 days here, 30 days there. Then finally a complete 90 days, another got in the way, stopped working out, weight came back etc. Coaching for me provides me that focus and drive to Keep Pushing Play because my results and dedication could motivate a friend, family member or a complete stranger to put done the remote and put in a Beachbody DVD, push play and maybe change their life. That is what drives me to continue to workout after my 90th day.

On a side note this is why people should become coaches at the very beginning of ones transformation. For accountability and motivation. If you are lacking that focus to achieve the results you desire, become a coach. Place a dollar sign and your health and fitness and get financially rewarded by inspiring and helping others. It's the best thing I have ever been a part of and I'm helping to change peoples lives by showing them this amazing accountability tool that is being an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.

Ask me how at or learn more about my transformation and Beachbody at

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Victor

The Victor was a poem that I read before every football game my senior year. This poem still has a special place in my heart and I think of it when I'm looking to get inspired or motivated to increase my intensity during my workouts. I wante to share it with those who may read this blog and maybe it'll inspire somebody else the way it has inspired me for the last 10 years.

THE VICTOR by C.W. Longenecker

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t
If you like to win but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will.
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win the prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It takes time, then it happens

I shared this email I asked one of my PS coaches to write to another PS coach of mine who was thinking about quitting with Carl Diakeler, CEO of Beachbody. He posted the email on his blog. The post reads:

Diamond Coach Joey Petri shared an email between David and Tim. Tim is a coach who was thinking about quitting the business. David described his process, and the value of getting in and sticking with the business of helping people while the opportunity catches up with your investment.On one hand, you are helping people while you get in shape yourself. On the other hand, when the cash kicks in, it could help when you need it most. Check it out:

From: David Spennacchio
To: Tim
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 12:14:23 AM
Subj: Beachbody


I did Power 90 for my wedding and got great results. I have been unemployed since January! Got laid off due to the home building industry down here in Florida.

So I trusted my upline Joey, and all the numbers he was sharing with me. I became a coach in May. I saw that it was ok, but Joe and our other buddy were Emeralds already. I decided to go for it. Mind you, I still did not have a job. I just bought a house and have wedding bills too, but this just sounded awesome. I met with a lot of other networking companies while looking for a job and they all seemed like a pyramid scheme.

I signed up my dad, and my wife to get to Emerald (July 13). I wanted to help the customers plus get the commission if they bought anything. Still no job, eating into my savings....

Now (September 11) 2 months after going to Emerald....I have 56 customers! Cycled 10 times = ~$160

I now have 16 coaches under me, banking volume points every week. I am turning a profit after only 2 months. (I'll be honest - I don't go out looking for new people to sign up or setting up meetings, conference calls, etc. I know I should do this, but it has really surprised me how fast this has taken off) I know if I continue my workouts and lead by example like Joey, others will begin to follow.

Just had a customer buy $160 worth of stuff today. I am going to send her an email this week; That is a $40 commission for me!

It is tough to make the decision to go for getting to Emerald, I know (even with my wife afraid of the investment since I didn't have a job). But I just accepted a job last week, 8 months of looking.It is worth every dollar and every drop of sweat working out. I am there to help you, so is Joey, so is the rest of our team.

Let me know if I can answer any questions.



Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings at for the most recent information on the actual incomes for all our Coaches.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

DD Smart Choice

So if I don't have time in the AM to prepare a solid breakfast I used to settle for a whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese from Dunkin Donuts with a coffee (either hot or iced, always black). Recently Dunkin Donuts has come out with two "DD Smart" Opitions. The Egg whites Flat bread sandwiches. One with Turkey Sausage, low fat mozzerella cheese and spinach, the other vegatarian with low fat chedder, both on multi grain flat bread. Both are under 300 Calories. The Turkey Sausage on is 280 and the Veggie is 290.
Here's my point. So many people complain that there aren't healthy options out there and here is a company known for their Sugary Treats, providing a healthier, more nutritious items then say their Glazed Donut (230 Cal, 30g CHO, 12g Sugar) or even a Wheat Bagel (330 Cal, 62g CHO, 7g sugar). We can argue that this egg white flat bread sandwich is still made with preservatives yada yada yada but we need to support this effort of Dunkin Donuts. So often we see companies come out with alternative, healthier choices but they soon disappear from the menu because no one is buying them. Remember it's a business and if there isn't a return of money on DD Smart Choices, they will be gone in 2 months. I garuntee it. There is a need for healthy options in the country but again when a company creates these healthier alternatives, they aren't supported. Go to Dunkin' Donuts and show your support for these sandwiches. Show the corporate office that there is a market for these products and that people will buy them and that people want smarter choices. If Dunkin Donuts shows that there is a want for these products (we know there is a need but there has to be a want), you will see copy cats with similar options in the near future.

Thats my rant.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Birthday Highlight - A Diamond Congrats

So today I turned 28 and I wanted to share with you all the two highlight's of my day. First was when I came home I found a Mickey, Donald, and Goofy Balloon attached to my door. I thought, "Wow, how nice that my sister or parent came over and gave me a balloon. See I had class all day today from 8 am to 8 at night so this was the first time I was getting home. When I entered my apartment I was stunned to find my apartment was decorated with Happy Birthday Banners, Happy Birthday signs, streamers and more balloons. With my bad foot and all and not being able to work out this was the exact pick me up I needed. So my mom calls me and wishes me a happy birthday and it was her and my middle sister, Gia who came over and decorated my place and gave me little gifts. My mom gave me a gift card to Dunkin Donuts, and my sister got me a gift card to Subway.

Anyways, my mom and sister wanted to take me out for a Birthday dinner and I got my second highlight of the night. As my mom and I were pulling into the restaurant I received a phone call and the caller ID said "Restricted". My sister is a teacher and she has a restricted number so I thought it was her cause we were meeting her. I answer the phone and say "Yeah, we're pulling in right now." Then I hear, "Joseph? Joey?" I'm thinking, shit, it's a Beachbody customer and I just answered the phone like a jackass. I answer "This is Joe." "Hey Joey, this is Carl Daikeler from Beachbody."
My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped. I was pumped. Carl Daikeler, the man himself who I have been watching and learning from since last July was calling me. Carl continued "I'm just calling to thank you for all your hard work and for achieving the leadership role of Diamond within the organization." We then proceeded to just have a conversation about Beachbody and I thanked him for what himself and Jon Congdon, and everyone at Beachbody has done and how excited I am to be a part of this company. I was in pharmaceutical sales for 5+ years and never did my manager's manger, the regional sales director, call me personally to thank me for my efforts. To ask me how I did it and what I was doing. Never has a VP of my former companies personally give me a call never mind the CEO. That's what this company is all about. It's about awards, recognition and praise.

Honestly, I've been waiting for the day when I could meet Carl and thank him personally for all that he has done and to thank him for this opportunity that is coaching. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present then the one I got tonight from Carl. This is a man that cares; this is a man that wants everyone in the Beachbody organization to be healthy, happy and successful. I'm still looking forward to the day that I can shake his hand personally and say thank you. Its amazing how one little infomercial, how one little website can change your life in ways you never dreamt possible. Team Beachbody is the real deal.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something truly special. Getting that phone call tonight was the icing on my birthday cake. Thank you Carl.

Joey Petri
To learn more about the Beachbody coaching opportunity please email me or call me directly.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Try to be at a 7 or an 8 when working out

I posted this challenge over on the 300 Challenge Message board ( the week of August 11, 2008.

This leads us into this week Weekly Challenge!!

During fitness camp in Las Vegas Tony spent some time talking about intensity and bringing it and challenging yourself during the workouts. He said most people on a scale of 1 to 10 workout around a 5 or a 6. They aren't raising the bar. For example, if you're doing P90X and your goal is 15 reps and you hit rep 15 and you know you can do more, you need to raise your weight and your intensity and on reps 13, 14, 15 it should be a battle. Your form should not suffer but you should be pulling or pushing hard to get out that last rep.

Here is a video from camp of Tony demonstrating Lawnmowers and what reps 6, 7, 8 or 13, 14, 15 should look like vs what they shouldn't look like:

If your doing Turbo Jam or SI6 or Plyometrics I want you to really ask yourself what level of intensity you are working at. If it's a 3, 4, or 5, it's time to step up your game. If you're working at a 9 or 10, back off a bit so you can make it through your workout.

Here is another video from camp of Tony discuccing a Beachbody transformation story and he demonstrates what this man's 7 to 8 scale was when throwing punches:

This weeks challenge is about being honest with yourself, challenging yourself and raising the bar. I want everyone to report each day the level of intensity of their workout from a scale from 1-10. Everyone's goal should be around 7 or 8. Any less, you're really not doing much, any more and you raise the risk of injury and fatigue a lot sooner. Be honest, be truthful. Don't post a 7 just to post a 7. If you're workout was a 3 or a 5 tell us and we'll help you.So this weeks challenge to sum up is everyone pushes harder and goes for what they consider to be their own 7 to 8 range. Bring it people. If you want to see change and achieve your goals, you have to challenge yourself and bring it. BUT BE SMART AND LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. If you are pushing too hard, back off. List to your body.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Million Dollar Body Game

This is my Million Dollar Body Game winners video. Each month Beachbody annouces 8 new winners in the Million Dollar Body game. There are 4 men, and 4 women from 4 different age groups, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50+. Winners are choosen based on before and after pictures, statistics, and story. I won $1,000 in the Men's 18-29 category for November 2007. There are 6 runner ups who each win $1,000 and one man and one woman will each win $10,000. At the end of the year everyone who won is eligible to be one of the 8 finalist from the 4 age groups and there are 4 men and 4 woman. If you are one of the finalist you will win $50,000. The 2 grand prize winners will each win $250,000. Take a look at last years $250,000 winners:

To learn more on how you can play the Million Dollar Body Game please email me or go to You could be the next big winner!!

Tony Horton's Fitness Camp

A year ago this month, I attended my very first Tony Horton Fitness Camp here in New York at Roselands Dude Ranch. Looking back, it's difficult for me not to realize the profound impact camp had on my life. Not only did the camp give me the extra motivation for my own workouts but it gave me a purpose and a sense of direction. Before I attended camp I hated my job as a pharmaceutical sales rep and was on an antidepressant therapy to help me cope with my extra displeasure for my job. I remember packing my bags and saying to myself that I wasn't going to need my medicine. I made the decision right then and there that my life was going to change and I was going take control. It was at camp that I realized the potential of being a Team Beachbody Coach. I signed up in March of 2007 simply because Beachbody was waiving the $40 sign up fee. I really didn't understand the business structure. It seemed confusing and different but I figured that eventually I'd get more serious. It wasn't until I went to camp and met some wonderful people who showed me the opportunity that Beachbody was giving me. There I learned what the coaching opportunity truly meant and what it could mean for me.

I hated my job, that part was clear but what wasn't clear was what I wanted to do with my life. The Spring before camp I volunteered as an assistant JV lacrosse coach to help relieve the boredom from my job. Slowly the idea of pursuing a phys ed degree started to present itself and grow. At camp I spoke with Traci Morrow, one of the founding members of Team Beachbody, and we spoke about my distaste for pushing drugs and how my job brought me very little satisfaction. I initially loved pharmaceutical sales (I did it for 5 and a half years) because I truly thought I was helping people to get healthy. What I was doing was pushing a quick fix solution to a life long problem. During my last year as a drug rep I spoke more about health and nutrition and my experience with Beachbody than I did talking about the medicines in my bag. Traci explained to me that the coaching opportunity was just that, an opportunity. It was an opportunity that could provide for me what I truly wanted and that was happiness. I wanted to be happy.

Where I was the happiest was when I could help others. I wanted to help change peoples lives the way mine has been changed by Beachboby. But in order to help people find Beachbody and help them change their life with exercise and proper nutrition, I had to first become an example. I was 205 lbs at camp. Initially I was at 225 then thanks to Power 90, Power Half Hour and P90X I hit 185 lbs. I decided to quit smoking thus the weight gain back to 205 lbs. If I was going to commit to coaching and create a business opportunity that would allow me to quit my job and pursue what made me happy, I first had to lead by example. My results and my transformation were now directly tied to my health and wellness. It was camp and the people who I met at camp that helped me to realize that I have the ability to be fit and healthy for the rest of my life, pursue a career in Phys Ed where I could truly be happy, and help people change their lives both financially and physically as a Team Beachbody Coach. I have gone back to school full time, lost the smokers weight and now weight 176lbs and I am now helping others to lose weight, stay committed and build a business opportunity for themselves.

As I write this I am sitting in the Jet Blue terminal at JFK pondering what will Tony's camp have in store for me this time? I have no expectations. I'm not going to assume his camp will have the same impact it had on me a year ago. I'm not going there expecting the same experience. Why would I want the same experience I had a year ago? That would be boring. This camp is going to be different. What different means, I don't know. Time will answer that question. What I do know is that when I get together with people from Beachbody, the positive energy is something that can't be matched. I left all my negative thoughts and self doubts back in Rochester. It is time to let it all go and just be. Enjoy the moment. The here and now. The past is history and the future is a mystery. Today is a gift that is why it's called the present. It's time to just be.

Not your typical Network Marketing

As most of you know, I'm an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. I've always been an advocate for fitness first and helping people stay motivated to their fitness and nutrition goals. If someone was interested in being a coach for Beachbody I would share my experience and what it was all about. I coach all my coaches the same way. I coach my coaches to be an example, to be a product of the product and to get people involved with the community at some level, whether it's a free player, a club member or a coach. The important thing is helping them to create a better life for themselves. The dollars and cents that Beachbody is offering coaches is truly amazing but the true joy is helping people succeed with their program and sharing your own story on how and why you got involved. Was it an infomercial, a friend, or a coach? Everyone has a story to share and every story is different.

I have 5.5 years of outside B2B sales experience and what I love the most about being a Team Beachbody Coach is that I don't "sell" anyone anything. I share my story; I explain what impact these products had on me and how the community helped me to stay committed and accountable. I provide all the different options and then I let the individual choose what is right for them. I never close, I hate it. I was a good closer in my Drug Rep days but I don't want someone to ever feel pressured to buy or to join something they aren't ready for. Everyone comes around at their own pace and how someone decides to make that commitment to lose weight, get healthy or become a coach is simply by me being an example. Just keep pushing play, keep making healthy decisions and keep posting and sharing your stories.

Coaching is about people helping people and in return for doing this Beachbody helps you financially. Just push play and encourage others to do the same but how you do that is by focusing on yourself. Continue to workout and eat right and sooner or later others will come around asking you to help them. Keep pushing play, and keep sharing your stories. You'll be amazed as to how many people you can impact.

Take a look at the Beachbody Network News cast to view the CEO of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler's view on coaching. When coaching was first introduced back in March of 2007, it was Carl's vision of fitness first that got me involved. Not the money, not the dollar and cents. I hate mulit-level marketing (network marketing) but it works here because you are creating a support network that you have to be accountable to and help. And that's what drives me. Helping others. What drives you can be completly different and that's the great thing about Beachbody, it can be modified to work for anyone. I was so pleased to see this webcast because it makes me happy to see that Beachbody hasn't lost it's way and I know they never will thanks to Carl.

If you're interested in helping people to lose weight, get healthy and stay committed email me at iabout becoming a coach or simply go to and click on the "Become a Coach" link.