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Together...we're better. Bring It!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Start Helping

Let's face it, you can't turn on the TV without hearing about the rising obesisty rates and the increase in Type 2 Diabetes. With these rising numbers there are rising medical costs. Drugs are not cheap and until now they really seem to be the only answer to this problem. Beachbody and the Amercian Diabetes Association has partnered and together created Kathy Smith's Project You: Type 2. Designed for individuals who have been diagnosed has prediabetic and Type 2 Diabetic, Project You: Type 2 has been reviewed and approved by the ADA. Project You: Type 2 program focuses on what drugs cannot do, a healthy lifestyle solution. This program offers a simple way to help control and manage your diabetes.

Let's face it, doctors just don't have the time to spend with patients to educate them on proper nutrition and exercise. This program helps people to understand the importance of eating foods that are low on the glycemic index and what that means. More importantly it'll give them the exercise so many are lacking. The iceing on the cake is that this program will save you money. Below you will see recent costs of medication for people with Type 2 Diabetes posted in Carl Daikeler's most recent blog. If you have Type 2 or you know someone who does, lets help them. Lets help them find a healthy lifestyle solution to controlling their Diabetes.



Carl Daikeler's post (

This article about the costs of diabetes was forwarded to me by Edward in Ops.Here's the section that made me sit up in my chair:

Nearly 24 million Americans, 8 percent of the population, have Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to kidney failure, blindness and heart disease.Current guidelines say doctors should prescribe metformin (about $30 a month) to lower blood sugar in newly diagnosed patients and urge them to eat healthy food and get more exercise. Other drugs can be added later, on top of metformin,to help patients who don't meet blood sugar goals. The updated guidelines don't include Avandia, which costs about $225 a month.

Dr. Susan Spratt, an endocrinologist at Duke University Medical Center, said sheprescribes whatever it takes to lower her patients' future risk of blindness andamputations. That can mean coupling more costly drugs with metformin to hitblood sugar goals.

Ok... $225 for patients "who don't meet blood sugar goals"... to lower risks of blindness and amputation. Seems worth $2,700 a year. So does some change to diet and exercise.
For $99.95 - one time - Kathy Smith's Project You for Type 2 will help someone "meet their blood sugar goals" with exercise and diet. The American Diabetes Association saw the need for this type of product, and co-produced the program with Beachbody.

If you are a coach, this should make it difficult to sleep. Be relentless about getting the word out about this. RELENTLESS. People you know have diabetes. Or there are people you know who know people who have diabetes. Their are education groups. There are doctors. THEY ALL NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU HAVE THE SOLUTION, CREATED IN COLLABORATION WITH THE ADA!This is the ONLY product of its kind on the market. We could give every diabetic in the country this program for $2.5 Billion - one time - versus the $12.5 Billion spent on drugs in 2007 alone! People can save $10 Billion -- $2,700 a year for each person who uses lifestyle change with this program to avoid stepping up to Avandia.
It's amazing to me that we are in this position, but lifestyle style change really is that hard. That's what is so powerful about the effect of peer support; friends helping friends. That's how change happens. That's why you are the solution! Let's help some people!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Need a job?

While things get harder for so many people, still Beachbody coaches are thriving.

Today's headlines are telling: Chrysler Cuts 25% of White Collar Jobs, Goldman Sachs cutting 10% of workforce, Yahoo firing 1,500 workers.

How deep will job cuts get? We hit 6% unemployment in September. In the downturn of 1973 we got up to 9%. Total employment in the U.S. is about 144 million people. That means if unemployment rise another 3%, another 4.3 million people could be out of work. Brutal.

With the financial meltdown and layoffs/unemployment, people are saving money, and they need to find ways to make money.

Beachbody and its coaches are in the perfect position to help people who are currently spending an average $741 per year on dues (before parking, gas, clothes, trainer, etc.) That $18B gym club business is antiquated. Everyday someone signs up to be a Beachbody coach, it's as if they created their own health club in their family room for less than $200. That's the future, and the future is here.

Between our infomercial sales, $90MM in advertising, and 13,000+ distributors, how many people can we get to replace their gym dues with a solution to get results like the NFL cheerleader of the 49ers or college and pro athletes across the country got with P90X? And how many more people who never set foot in a gym will get started with programs that make it easy, like Slim in 6, Yoga Booty Ballet, or or Ten Minute Trainer?

Get the word out. Every time Beachbody airs a commercial we generate thousands of customers. But hundreds of thousands more see the ads and become prospective customers. That's opportunity for income for you and everyone you know. You get the word out to people you know and people buy from you. It's a home based business where we do the advertising, you just make sure people know you're a distributor. Every 40 sales of P90X makes you over $1,000 in commissions, not including bonuses, and saves your customers hundreds of dollars a year in gym dues.

Sign up today, and use the tools in the coach-back-office to email everyone you know that if they want to lose weight, you can get them solutions like P90X for 10% less money if they join the club, and even less if they become a coach (25% off).

Beachbody saves people money, makes people money, and gets you better results for less money and in less time than the gym. No boss. No employees. Set your own hours. What are you waiting for?

(This blog was written by Carl Daikeler, CEO of Beachbody, and links were edited by Joey Petri)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Video's from Brian and Laura's Wedding

Brian & Ma Smith cutting a rug.

Smitty and the Lovely Laura busting out the moves to MJ's "Billie Jean".

Smitty and Sarah Oliver doing what they do best, dance. Look at how Smitty reals in Sarah. It's flawless!

Gotta give it up for Johnboy. Even though he is THE WHITEST DANCER EVER, he gives it his best and is having fun. The icing on this gem is the song. This is priceless.

Dancing Johnboy Continued.