Change your body, change your life.

Together...we're better. Bring It!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Best Work at Home Job

Imagine getting fit, helping others and getting paid all while you do this in your own home. Plus being able to travel to cool, fun places like L.A. and Las Vegas where you get to learn about helping others to do the same AND build a part time business simply by working from home and sharing these amazing programs and products with others.

It was change my life both physically and financially. What can it do for you? What would you like it do for you? Contact me and lets talk about whether or not Beachbody Coaching is a fit for you.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Profitable Home Based Business

I became an Independent Team Beachbody Coach in March of 2007 but I don't think I ever started my Beachbody business until I had my very first Grand Opening. Now I became a Coach initially because I loved the products and to get a discount. Once I discovered my WHY (or reason for working the Business) things started to take shape but it wasn't until Fall 2009 that I got introduced to the fundamentals of the Game Plan.

Beachbody Coach Summit 2011 - Turn your volume up and hear me share how I have been able to teach this system to my coaches and how it has impacted their income in their first 30 days.

What was happening in my Beachbody Coach organization was that Coaches who I sponsored were starting to quit. Why? Because the $14.95 a month was too much money. When the Game Plan was first being put together I was instructed by CEO and co-founder to talk with the man behind the Game Plan, Larry Zimberg. I shared with Larry my frustrations and he asked me I did a Getting Started Right interview with them or a Grand Opening for their business. I simply and sharply stated "No" and I continued to express my concern that I felt they were icky and it put people in an obligation to buy. After a lengthy conversation I decided to do my Grand Opening and my business has radically changed as I have now been able to teach this system of having a local Grand Opening to all my Coaches who chose to join my.

Watch the videos below and they will show you my growth with my Beachbody Coach business and my fitness. Lets start with the most recent:

My First Grand Opening Event 2009/2010

My Initial WHY for working the Coach Business 2008-2010

My Fitness Transformation 2007

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

2011 Beachbody Coach Summit

Highlights from the Team Beachbody Coaches Summit. Message me to learn more about Coaching and how you can make a difference in your own community with Beachbody Coaching.

Pictures with a Good Man and friend, Tony Horton.

2011 Beachbody Coach Summit

Highlights from the Team Beachbody Coaches Summit. Message me to learn more about Coaching and how you can make a difference in your own community with Beachbody Coaching.

Pictures with a Good Man and friend, Tony Horton.

2011 Beachbody Coach Summit

Highlights from the Team Beachbody Coaches Summit. Message me to learn more about Coaching and how you can make a difference in your own community with Beachbody Coaching.

Pictures with a Good Man and friend, Tony Horton.

Coming soon - P90X2: The Sequel

Power 90 broke the mold. P90X pushed the envelope. And soon P90X2 will shatter the mold, crush the envelope, and ignite a sports science revolution. Here is the very first look at the future of Sports Science. Pre-order capability coming soon at

Monday, June 6, 2011

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse

The Shake Cleanse uses Shakeology® in creating multiple day cleanses to jump start you in your fitness, break a plateau or shred pounds fast & effectively in a healthy way.

The basics are as follows:

3 Shakeology® Shakes a day 2 Cups of Green Tea a Day 1-2 piece(s) of fruit a day 1 Salad for dinner- You can load up on greens and vegetables.
Only Low Fat DressingsOnly white grilled protein in salad - Poultry or Fish!

NO: DAIRY or EXTRA SUGARS, diet soda, Almond, Soy, or Rice milk

You can put your 2 snacks before/after any of the MAJOR MEALS - Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

The 2nd piece of fruit is optional. Some of you will need the calories where others will not. Power workout participants (Super Conditioned- not the weight challenged) are recommended the greater calories.

REPEAT all 3 Days


Shakeology® 140 calories, 1 scoop
add ice and mix in blender
10-12 oz of water

SNACK (85 calories):

1 piece of fruit1 cup of green tea (I used Lipton mixed berry or cranberry pomegranate green tea)


Shakeology® (140 calories), 1 scoop

Add ice and mix in a blender

10-12 oz of water


Shakeology® 140 calories, 1 scoop

add ice and mix in a blender

10-12 oz of water


Salad Grilled white fish or poultry (~340 calories)

2 T low calorie/low fat dressing (I used plain red wine vinegar and extra virgin olive oil)

1 cup of green tea (I used Lipton mixed berry or cranberry pomegranate green tea)

Workouts should be LIGHT during the cleanse: moderate walking and/or light weights

Participants have reported weight loss between 3 lbs and 9 lbs!

What does the Medical Community think of Shakeology? Just watch:

Square One Challenge - Good News / Bad News

Hey S1C (Square One Challenge) Posters,

I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is I am back and going to start posting and updating this week. Bad news is, I'm still at Square One. My neck, shoulder and back got messed up again putting me on the side line. I just woke up last week and it was all messed up. I'm really paying the price for this injury last October and it's starting to frustrate me. I did have a realization this weekend that I am just not ready for P90X. It is putting to much strain on my physically and mentally. When I do P90X I remember where I was before my injury, what I could do, and now that I am back to the beginning and I keep straining an old injury it is frustrating to me so I'm switching to a program that I know works, that doesn't put excessive strain on my neck, back or shoulder, but I have yet to complete. That program is RevAbs.

I have started it about 3 times and every time I get to day 30 I catch the P90X bug, doubt WHY am I doing RevAbs when I should be doing P90X, I make the switch then a few weeks later, I'm sidelined. My goal is to complete a full 90 days of RevAbs starting today. I'm going to post a video today about this too. Thanks for being there for me and thank you Jillian for texting me this weekend and calling me out. I appreciate the support. Talk to you all soon,
