Change your body, change your life.

Together...we're better. Bring It!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This is just one of the many great feature of the Beachbody Club. Become a club member today:

Monday, July 27, 2009

300 Challenge

My 90 day 300 Challenge rotation will be a combination of Turbo Jam and P90X.

Weeks 1-3 TJ/P90X (Aug 3-23)

M: HHA - Fat Burning Cardio, ARx
T: Plyo X
W: 40 Min Stationary Bike, ARx
R: 40 Min Stationary Bike, ARx
F: Legs & Back (Probably no back)
S: HHA - Fat Burning Cardio, ARx
S: X Stretch

Week 4 TJ/P90X Recovery Week (Aug 24-30)

M: 40 Min Stationary Bike, ARX
T: HHA - Fat Burning Cardio
W. 40 Min Stationary Bike, ARx
R: X Stretch
F: HHA - Fat Burning Cardio
S: 40 Min Stationary Bike, ARx
S: X Stretch

Week 5-7 P90X Phase 1 (Aug 31-Sept 20)

M: Chest & Back, ARx
T: Plyo X
W: Shoulders & Arms, ARx
R: Yoga X
F: Legs & Back, ARx
S: Kenpo X
S: X Stretch

Week 8: Recovery Week (Sept 21-27)

M: Yoga X
T: Core Syn
W: Kenpo X
R: X Stretch
F: Core Syn
S: Yoga X
S: X Stretch

Week 9-11 P90X Phase 2 (Sept 28-Oct 18)

M: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, ARx
T: Plyo X
W: Back & Biceps, ARx
R: Yoga X
F: Legs & Back, ARx
S: Kenpo X
S: X Stretch

Week 12: Recovery Week (Oct 19-25)

M: Yoga X
T: Core Syn
W: Kenpo X
R: X Stretch
F: Core Syn
S: Yoga X
S: X Stretch

Week 13: P90X Phase 3 (Oct 26-31)

M: Chest & Back, ARx
T: Plyo X
W: Shoulders & Arms, ARx
R: Yoga X
F: Legs & Back, ARx
S: Kenpo X
S: X Stretch

I am allowing myself 1 cheat day a month.

August 9: O.A.R. Concert in Saratoga, NY
September 5: Jim and Erin's Wedding in Westchester, NY
October 17: Bart's Bachelor Party

I'm also traveling to California August 13-19 but I'll be with gal-pal, Traci Morrow so I'll be fine. And then there is Tony's Fitness Camp in Philly October 10 and 11 but I'll be good to G-O as well. Other than that I don' have any scheduled "bumps" in the road that I can forsee (knock on wood).

My goal is gain back the strength and flexibility in my left arm and shoulder. I will listen to my body, I will plan my food, I will report here on a daily basis and I will be a Spartan/Wolverine for Halloween. Bring it!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How do I stay motivated?

I was asked this question the other day by one of my Beachbody Peers who I coach:

"But honestly how do you stay motivated and how do you stay in control of your diet when your around so many people who are not eating healthy?"

She asked me this question because I emailed her information concerning the Team Beachbody Club and the Personalized Meal Plans.

This was my reply:

Great question. And that can be answered with a simple phrase. I choose to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Now I give into temptation at least once a week (cheat meal). It helps me to stay sane. :0) But I made my fitness, my health and my transformation an income opportunity.

Being an Independent Beachbody Coach provides me the motivation I need to push play and to eat well. If I want others to commit and get involved I first have to lead by example. Plus I used to be a Pharmaceutical Sales rep and it got to the point I HATED my job and was thinking about going back to school. I was a coach at this time but not heavily involved. I spoke with my now good friend, Traci Morrow, and she told me that coaches were quiting their full time jobs and being Beachbody Coaches full time (this was back in summer 2007 at Tony Horton's Fitness Camp) so if I wanted to go back to school, it was possible. So I committed to transforming my body because now my health and fitness had a dollar amount to it.

You said you have done other diets. For me Beachbody isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle. I am a coach, I earn my living by helping others get fit and get paid for getting involved. Does the gym, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Atkins, Jenny Craig or thousands of others reward you financially for losing weight, getting in shape and pointing others to the same system?

I have now been going back to school full time for a 2nd undergrad degree in Phys Ed for the last year and a half. I am a full time Independent Beachbody Coach. I have consistently weighed 180 lbs for the last 2 years. No more yo-yoing. And I have been smoke free for the last 3 years. Because I found my WHY for my fitness and I know my WHY for being a Independent Beachbody coach and how much my health and fitness is worth financially to me.

Being an Independent Team Beachbody coach provides me accountability with financial rewards. I see friends around town and they want to know what I do to get in shape. I point them to my site and they order the same program or a program based on their needs. I post my before and after pictures on Facebook and on Myspace the same thing happens. I hold fun fitness meetings and present the opportunity to people who are sick of being overweight and who are sick of not having enough money and I show them a system that if they plug into, they will start done a path to achieve what it is they desire most, if they truely desire it.

Let me ask you two questions: If there was one thing you could change about your life what would it be? If you were making an extra $500 a week what would you use that money for?

Remember that I'm a Beachbody customer just like you. The difference is I made a choice to find out more information about being an Independent Beachbody Coach. If you want to make that same choice, I can get you that information.

Talk to you soon and feel free to call with any questions,


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Beachbody is about community

This story embodies what makes Beachbody unique; the community. There are all walks of fitness in this video with all different levels of transformation. It is awesome to see that if you have the power of support, the power of community and the workouts are fun, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

You Can't Borrow Your Health

When you borrow a workout DVD you are setting yourself up for failure. No one wants you to fail when it comes to your own health and fitness. Do what is right. Invest in YOU. Order your own copies today!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shake Up Your Health

I drink Shakeology® every single day for either breakfast or lunch. How I make my shakeology is based on a couple things. The first is what ingrediants I have available in my house. The second depends on what I'm tryin got achieve with my personal fitness.

Watch the Shakeology® video to learn more:

How I make my shakeology can change from day to day depending on my mood, what I have in my fridge, and how creative I want to get. Alot of my recipes come from the Abs Diet. This recipe in particular is called Strawberry Field Marshall Smoothie:

1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology® (can use chocolate too)
1 cup skim milk
1/2 cup Organic plain yogurt
1 cup raspberries or strawberries, frozen
1/2 Tbsp peanut butter
6 Ice cubes
Makes 32 fluid oz.
392 Calores: 32.5g Protein, 58.5g Carbs, 5g Fat.

Now this is one of the bigger shakes that I make.

My favorite simple shake is the Carl Daikeler (CEO of Beachbody) Special:

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology® powder
1 Tbsp. almond or peanut butter (or to taste)
1/2 banana
4 ice cubes
8 oz. water (may use skim milk, but adjust calories appropriately)

Makes roughly 16 fluid oz.
281 Calories, 20.1g Protein, 33.5g Carbs, 9.2g Fats

The other simple shake I make is

1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology® powder
1/2 banana
4 ice cubes
8 oz water (may also use skim milk)

Makes roughly 16 fluid oz.
191 Calories, 15.6g Protein, 32g Carbs, .2g Fat

Now lets look at price and nutritional comparison.

Click on the pictures to enlarge

Click here to order your Shakeology

Click here to join as a Coach and get Shakeology at the Coaches Price

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

P90X: Legs & Back

I did Legs & Back yesterday, 7/7/09. This was my first P90X workout since I ruptured my Pec Tendon so it's been about 2 months. I did 20 to 15 reps per set. Taking it slow and easing my way back. I want to be able to walk the stairs you know? Check out the video.