Change your body, change your life.

Together...we're better. Bring It!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


What are you doing to lose weight, feel great, be healthy, have more confidence and get into the best shape of your life?

Are you struggling with going to the gym day in and day out?

Frustrated with the lack of results or poor support and motivation you get from others?

Maybe it's time for a change of scenery and BRING IT at home!

I've been involved with Beachbody since 2004 when I started with Power 90. Between 2004 and 2007 I joined 2 gyms. Never got the results I wanted at the gym b/c:

1) I never went. HA!

2) When I did go, I didn't know what to do. I was so out of shape; I was embarrassed going to the gym. I felt like I had to be in shape just to go. Sad

3) When I finally started to go and string days together (late 2006), a member of the gym and former high school class mate called me fat. "Joey, what's with the double chin? Joey you need to meet with a personal trainer, you need to meet with a nutritionist."

Forget that thank you very much. I already felt horrible about myself and that comment just pushed me over my limits.

I left that gym and may the promise to lose 30 lbs in 90 days with a program called Power 90 that I ordered from TV 2 years earlier in 2004. Here's a link to the letter I wrote myself when I decided to commit:!/note.php?note_id=98744464712

In 90 Days with Power 90 I lost 31 lbs and I progressed to programs like Power Half Hour, P90X, Hip Hop Abs, P90X+, Turbo Jam, and P90X: 1-on-1 w/ Tony Horton which helped to bring my total weight loss to 49 lbs. 225 down to 176 at my leanest.

So why did Power 90 and P90X and all the other work when my $100+ a month membership to a gym failed? Because of the reasons I mentioned above. I never went because I was lazy and I felt insecure and uncomfortable. I also didn't know what to do. I played college lacrosse and football in high school so I knew how to lift and sort of put together a program for me but my coaches always just told me what to do. I didn't have to think.

That's why the Beachbody programs work. They do all the planning and programming for you. All you have to do is Decide on What your fitness goals are, and which program is going to help me to achieve my goals in the comfort of my own home, with no one looking, judging, or calling you fat. I love Power 90, P90X and all the other Beachbody programs because they are all a comprehensive approach to health and fitness.

The good people at Beachbody provide you with plenty of variety and change within the programs so you don't get bored, you don't plateau and you get results. They give you a schedule that's tested and proven to produce results that say what workout to do everyday so you're not just winging it.

There are in-depth meal plans and recipes to help you to learn how to eat, what to eat, and when to eat. The 2 best Nutritional Tools I got from Beachbody was Michi's Ladder and their Step-by-Step Nutrition Guide. This guide helped me to understand portion control, figuring out how many calories I can eat. For some program it was less (Power 90 average 1600 to 1800 Calories) while for other program (P90X, Insanity, and Turbo Fire about 2400 to 3000) it was more. Get in shape, lose weight, and eat more. But not more junk. The information taught me to cook b/c the recipes were simple and easy to follow.

Beachbody also provided me with the top of the line supplements to help provide me with healthy, more efficient results. The most recent one to come on to the scene and make a big difference in my life is Shakeology. You can learn more about Shakeology at

The last piece to this weight loss puzzle that Beachbody gave me was support from other customers. Now they are called coaches. Regular people like me, who made the decision to get healthy and fit. I became a coach b/c I wanted to help others with their fitness programs and guide them through the program. Just buying the program and having everything laid out for you (what to do, what to eat, what to take) isn't enough. The key ingredient in any program whether it's the gym, weight watchers or Beachbody is YOU!

You have to make the Decision. Once you make the decision you will Succeed. WHY? Because you have the support from a friend who is going to encourage you, motivate you, lead you and inspire you to be the best you possible. With Team Beachbody you're never alone. With peer support and friends from around the country, you'll be motivated to lose the weight and get into the best shape of your life.

So let’s get started.

What are your goals? What do you like to do?

Is weight loss your primary goal? Do you want to lose inches and trim up? Do you want to get lean ripped Abs? Do you want to build muscle, and lose fat? Do you want as little equipment as possible? Do you want to be challenge and pushed to your limits? Do you like to dance, or kick box? Is time a challenge (minutes in the day, days per week? Do you like using weights? Beachbody has a program for you.

If you said Weight Loss is your primary goal check out these programs. If you are into weights and don't really like to dance or learn choreographed moves go with Power 90:

Want to build long, strong, lean muscle, lose fat, be challenged, use very little equipment, use weights or just body weight? These programs are for you:

Are your goals more south? Are you looking to slim down and trim up you butt, legs, and thighs? These programs are all you:

Do you struggle with time? You only have time for 20 minutes to a half hour a day? Here's your answer:

Lastly, is poor nutrition and diet your biggest obstacle? You just don't have time for breakfast? You hate eating veggies? Or you're looking for the ultimate health drink to maximize your performance of your workouts? This drink has it all and it's called Shakeology.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010