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Friday, March 27, 2009

Bought Power 90 in 2004 and it took me over a year when I finally committed to a full 90 days. When I finally committed to Power 90, I lost 31 lbs in 90 days. Moved on to Power 90/Power Half Hour Combo and then into P90X. After my first round of P90X, I yo-yoed like most folks but I also quit smoking. I went from 185 back to 205. I recommitted and lost 11.5 lbs with Turbo Jam during month one of the first 300 Challenge and I have not yo-yoed since.

A reflection: I believe that I have been successful with my fitness for 2 reasons. 1) The support, motivation, and accountabilty that I get from the 300 Challenge thread. 2) Being a Team Beachbody Coach. Knowing that my own heatlh, fitness and transformation is helping someone else get in shape, lose weight and also put dollars in my pocket,...why would I ever go back to sitting on my a$$?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Shakeology....Fitness for your Insides :0)

I'm so excited about Beachbody's recent release: Shakeology Meal Replacement Shake.....but its also a multi-vitamin of sorts as well! Every serving touts $40 worth of veggies! Thats a lot of veggies!
I have both flavors and though I'm partial to Greenberry, the Chocolate is slowly growing on me too! :0)
Its $119.95 for customers, but $89.95 for coaches! What a great bargain and "nudge" to become a coach - for the discount! :0) No shame in that!!

I want to hear from you once you've ordered it and tried it! I think you'll find your body just RUNS cleaner on this stuff. For fun, I thought I'd include a video clip from Carl Daikeler - the CEO of Beachbody and a health nut who isnt a fan of veggies! :0)

Check it out and drop me a line if you have questions! :0) Replace just one meal a day with this shake and you'll see and FEEL better!

For more info on the science and health benefits of this awesome product, go to
We're going for optimal health here - and THIS, combined with your workout dvd's will help you attain just that! :0) WoooHoooo! :0)