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Monday, June 6, 2011

Square One Challenge - Good News / Bad News

Hey S1C (Square One Challenge) Posters,

I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is I am back and going to start posting and updating this week. Bad news is, I'm still at Square One. My neck, shoulder and back got messed up again putting me on the side line. I just woke up last week and it was all messed up. I'm really paying the price for this injury last October and it's starting to frustrate me. I did have a realization this weekend that I am just not ready for P90X. It is putting to much strain on my physically and mentally. When I do P90X I remember where I was before my injury, what I could do, and now that I am back to the beginning and I keep straining an old injury it is frustrating to me so I'm switching to a program that I know works, that doesn't put excessive strain on my neck, back or shoulder, but I have yet to complete. That program is RevAbs.

I have started it about 3 times and every time I get to day 30 I catch the P90X bug, doubt WHY am I doing RevAbs when I should be doing P90X, I make the switch then a few weeks later, I'm sidelined. My goal is to complete a full 90 days of RevAbs starting today. I'm going to post a video today about this too. Thanks for being there for me and thank you Jillian for texting me this weekend and calling me out. I appreciate the support. Talk to you all soon,


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