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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Power of Before and After Pictures

You hate the thought that you have to take a picture of yourself. When you get your P90X, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs or any one of the many successful DVD workout programs produced by Beacchbody in the mail and the first thing it tells you do to is take your Day 0 photo and all your measurements. Most of us don't. We're too afraid, we're too ashamed to face the reality. But what are we afraid of? Are we afraid of success or are we afraid of failure?

There was a reason why we all initially made the order. It was to change and improve someting about ourselfs. By taking that day 0 picture you are saying goodbye. You are saying "see ya later, hasta la vista, and hit the road jack" all with a single click of the camera.

By taking that day zero picture you are making a decision to commit to the program that you just ordered through the TV or through your Team Beachbody Coach. You are making a statement, a promise that when day 30 rolls around you will take another picture. And when day 60, day 90, day 120, 150, 180 and so on rolls around you are going to take another picture and you will continue to improve and gain. Forget about losing for a moment. We're American. We don't like to lose anything. By taking your Day 0 picture, you are gaining self-empowerment, confidence, and greater self-esteem because when Day 0 becomes Day 90, those pictures won't be identical..

I advise everyone of my Beachbody peers and coaches to take their Day 0 picture because the reality and the power of change starts with you and taking that one simple photograph. Click the video below to see what I mean.

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