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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Power 90 Success Story

I want to share a great Power 90 transformation story from a customer/coach of mine. I don't want to spoil anything so attached are his day 0 vs day 90 pics and below you'll find his story. I hope you'll find his story inspirational and motivating.

"We all have stories and this is mine. Going to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack scared the hell out of me. I?m married and have two kids, I wasn?t ready to die. I wasn?t ready to buy size 40 pants. I was having trouble breathing all the time. My blood pressure was a little high and my cholesterol was jacked. I got tired of seeing people I haven?t seen in years and the first thing they said was "I got fat", or "dang you blew up."

I started to run and lift weights I was 247 pounds. It took me a year to get to 220lbs. I hated running on a treadmill or running in general, I just don?t like to run. So my workouts declined and I continued to eat pizza and hoagies you know the "good" stuff. My health wasn?t getting any better and I knew I had to do something, so like many, the P90X commercial came on and I thought to myself one day I?ll order that.

I started poking around the internet came across Joey's myspace page and started talking with him. We felt it would be best that I start with Power 90 and that?s where I?m at today with 9 days left. I want to be that guy to encourage others they can do it, they don?t have to wait until they stop eating junk food or lose a pound, today is the day they can do it today. I want to be the a product of the product? I believe beachbody has changed my life.

P.S. I got my blood work back from the DR, since doing P90 my triglycerides went from 262 to 87!"

You can leave comments for Jamie below. Great job Jamie

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